Your questions on climate change: I have some work cut out for me!

Your questions fell into one of the following categories:

1. The Science:
"Climate change is a natural event: how much are we speeding it up?" (x2)

"How [will] other factors affect the level of temperature increase caused by CO2 emissions (i.e. water vapour, ocean currents, human action, ice melt).

"What will the specific impacts be on places such as the Maritimes or Nova Scotia if global climate change is occurring?"

"What data should we believe? When both sides have scientific data (i.e. net gain or loss of our cryosphere), especially when each source is a credible scholar?"

"Do [scientists] believe that GCC would not be occurring at all if humans weren't contributing [so much CO2]?

2. Preparedness and mitigation:
"Are people planning ahead for disasters?"

"What measures can be taken to implement climate change [reduction programs] for various governments to adopt?"

"What can individuals do to reduce the negative impacts?"

"If most of the actions to help stop climate change are small and minor, why is there so much resistance to do them?"

"How much can we really do to stop global warming/ climate change? Maybe we can slow it down some, but could it ever be really stopped?

"How can the biggest pollution contributors be targeted on an international level?"

3. Philosophical:
"Is concern about climate change a 1st world luxury?"

"Does it matter if GCC is "real" or if it is human caused? The issues associated with GCC are air pollution, water pollution and scarcity, social justice, overpopulation, disease, etc. These issues need to be resolved if the human race wants to continue."

4. Societal motivation to act:
"What is the one big thing or event that will really get the public moving toward a positive change? Is there anything that can really motivate people to change?"

"How can we convince people to do what's best for our homes, the Earth, without a catastrophe? Why are people unwilling to do anything unless they are reacting to a disaster?"

"If the cleaner technology is available, why is it not being used more?"

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Location: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

The Blog was initiated as part of the inaugural "Sustainability Across the Curriculum" workshop, held at SMU on May 12, 2010. This is part of the Teacher Scholar programme for 2010-2011. If you have any posts, curriculum, ideas or inspired content that you would like to include, please send it to Dr. Cathy Conrad, the 2010-2011 Teaching Scholar, Associate Professor of the Department of Geography. I look forward to moderating this site and linking useful and relevant information. I hope you find it useful!


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